Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Three Year Journey

It literally seems like yesterday Britt and I walked across the stage at Auburn University's graduation ceremony. But it wasn't. It was 4 years ago. We graduated in August and Britt moved back to Atlanta to work for a year while he applied to law school. I stayed in  Auburn to begin my teaching career. Britt applied to law schools all across the U.S. He made the decision to attend Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. How perfect. I am from Birmingham and did not mind moving back here at all.

In August of 2010 Britt made the move from Atlanta to Birmingham to start this new three year journey called law school. I stayed in Auburn since we weren't married yet. Britt and two other guys found a house in Homewood to rent, and so began the adventures of law school.

Britt's 1L year was fun. I made the trip to Birmingham most weekends, and we enjoyed meeting new friends. Lots of fun was had in the Hanover House. We got married the summer after Britt finished his 1L year. He began his 2L year in August and then we learned how to balance law school and marriage. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We survived our first year of marriage and Britt's second year of law was essentially a breeze! In August of 2012 Britt began his final year of law school. In December we found out we are expecting our first baby.

And now, here we are. May 2013. Britt has successfully made it through law school. He graduated on Friday, May 17th from Cumberland School of Law! Words cannot describe how proud I am of him. He worked so hard the past three years, and his success is definitely reflective of that!

I wanted Britt's graduation day to be special. He woke up to this :)
Proud wife and momma getting ready to go to Britt's graduation.
Debbie, Al, Kelsey, and Grandaddy made the trip from Atlanta for our graduation celebration. Grandmommy had a sinus infection, so she stayed home to get well {she and Grandaddy are leaving for a Mediterranean cruise this week so she HAD to get well!}. It was rainy on graduation night, so we snapped a few QUICK pictures in the midst of all the other graduates trying to do the same!

 I thought the commencement program was beautiful.
 The stage!
 The best photos I could capture of Britt getting his "diploma" and being hooded. So PROUD!
After the ceremony :)
 Proud parents!
Proud wife and sister with the graduate.
 We missed Grandmommy...we decided we could photoshop her in!
 Britt and his Grandaddy :)
Britt's graduation gift for his future office! 
After the graduation ceremony, we went to dinner at Hot and Hot Fish Club. If you have never been, I highly recommend you try it. It was delicious! 

Saturday morning Britt's family came over for breakfast before heading back to Atlanta. We had donuts, bagels from our FAVORITE bagel place {Crestline Bagel}, and fresh fruit with a new fruit dip I made. I also found a vintage milk bottle that I'm IN LOVE with!
The three year journey of law school may be over, but Britt's journey is not. He starts his BAR review class on Monday. He will spend ALL summer studying, and take the BAR at the end of July. He will be searching for the job God has planned for him. We can't wait to see which job that will be...all I know is that we have faith that there is a job that is meant for him! I am a proud wife. I know Britt will be successful!

When one chapter of your life ends, another one begins. That could not be truer for us. Aside from beginning a new career, we will also being the journey as a family of three in a few short months!

Now, if I can make it through 5 more days, I will be out of school for the summer!! Check back soon. 
Love--Jessica and Britt

Monday, May 6, 2013

24 down, 16 to go!

I can't believe we are at 24 weeks...time is flying by! It's hard to fathom that in 16 short weeks we will meet our miracle. I am full of emotions every time I think about it. I want to jump up and down and scream because I'm so excited I can't stand it. But I am also nervous about taking care of another {helpless} human being. Here is what's happening in week 24...

Size of baby: According to, Baby S is about the size of an ear of corn {in length}. He/she is still a little over a pound and almost a foot long...growing like a weed each week!

Weight gain: I will continue to dislike this topic over the next 16 weeks {and the weeks thereafter, I am sure}, but anyhow, as of my last doctor visit on Friday I am up 14 pounds from the start of this journey.   I suppose it could be worse!

Stretch marks: NO!! I still use cocoa butter every day, though.

Gender: Still just Baby S...can't wait until August 26th to find out!

Movement: Are you kidding? This baby flips around, and kicks, and does whatever else babies like to do in utero all.the.time. I can feel it all day, but that baby is most active at night when I get in bed. It's my favorite time of the day!! The movement has gotten so strong that we can see my tummy move when the baby kicks. It's crazy, but so neat! I still can't believe there is a tiny baby growing inside me.

Sleep: Still sleeping like normal...thankfully.

Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. I just eat what I ate pre-pregnancy. I get the same random cravings I did before this baby came along...sweets, pizza, bread. Same as always!

What I miss: Aside from the normal beer, wine, and sushi, I miss my long runs. I miss running 5 miles during the week or going on 6+ mile runs on the weekends. I also miss my 9:00 - 9:30/minute pace. I feel like a slug when I run my 3 miles now! But every time I feel discouraged for only running 3 miles {slowly}, I try to remind myself that a lot of people can't/don't run 3 miles on a daily basis when they aren't pregnant, much less 24 weeks pregnant! I'll be back to my normal running self one day soon {ish}.

Symptoms: Nothing much to report here...I feel occasional back/hip pain, but it's certainly not something that's going to kill me!

Belly button: Oh gosh. It's still in. But I'm not sure how much longer it will's slowly {or quickly} becoming flatter and flatter. Not sure how I'll handle it when it pops out!

Wedding rings: Still on!

Maternity clothes: Still a negative. My doctor was amazed that I was still in my regular jeans on Friday! I have rubber banded some of my pants recently and will continue to do so as long as it is still comfortable. I've also worn one of my pairs of maternity shorts twice, but other than that everything still fits and I can't bring myself to spend money on any more maternity clothes right now. I know the day will come when I have to, though.

Best moment of the week: Going to the doctor and getting to hear this baby's heartbeat. Friday was my glucose test. After drinking the sugar drink the baby was so active that the doctor had a hard time finding the heartbeat. When she would find it the baby would was like a game! She finally found it and was able to listen to it. I could sit and listen to that heartbeat and never get tired of it. By the way, baby's heart rate was 135...lowest it's been yet!

These next few weeks are going to go by in the blink of an eye. Britt graduates from law school in two weeks. I am finished with school in three weeks. Then I will be in my third trimester....say whaaaaaaat??? I'll be back soon with more on what's going on in the Smith house!

Until then, much love from our home to yours. -jess&britt