Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Three Months!

Chapman, you are THREE months old! I'm not sure where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday that we were at the hospital waiting on your arrival. These last three months have been the best months of our lives. You bring so much joy to our home. You're changing every day! We didn't have a 3 month checkup at the doctor, but Mommy weighed you and measured you at home. I came up with 14.2 pounds and 23 3/4 or 24 inches long; you're a growing boy.

You are a good sleeper...not great, though! You finally started sleeping from 11:00pm-6:00am a couple of weeks ago, but the last 2 nights you've woken up at 3:30 or 4:00. I'm not sure why; hopefully you will go back to your sleeping through the night habits sooner than later. Mommy and Daddy would greatly appreciate it ;) You take one big nap in the morning {in your Mamaroo}, but your other naps are only about an hour long {in your crib}. I guess you don't require much sleep! We started letting you "self soothe" a.k.a cry-it-out and guess what--you are great at it! It usually only takes about 10 minutes for you to fall asleep. We still swaddle you, but you have two different swaddles for naps and bedtime. I know you will have to stop being swaddled soon--and I do not look forward to that day. We try to let you go to sleep without being swaddled sometimes, and it never works. Being swaddled calms you and helps you go to sleep. We better figure out a way to wean you from your swaddle soon, though.
Nighttime swaddle...
Nap time swaddle...
You are becoming a great eater. We had to buy 8 oz. bottles, and you now use Level 2 nipples. You are beginning to eat 5 oz. consistently {you ate 6 oz. twice today!}. We still give you one formula bottle at 11:00pm. You're a little spoiled when it comes to like your bottle warm. Not, just room temperature, it has to be warmed in the bottle warmer even if it has not been in the fridge. You also like to eat in weird places. When we can't get you to finish a bottle we feed you on the floor, in the bouncer, or even on your changing pad. We don't know why you like to eat in those strange places, but we will do whatever we have to to get you to eat!
This particular time you wanted to eat naked...whatever works!
You are still wearing size 3 month clothes. I bought you some 6 month clothes for Thanksgiving and Christmas because I was worried you wouldn't still fit in 3 month clothes, but they are a little long on you. You wear size 2 diapers now. We tried to keep you in size 1 diapers for as long as possible because we have SO MANY of them left from our diaper shower; I guess we can keep them for Baby S number 2 whenever that may be {no time soon, though}!

You're beginning to be so much fun! You stay awake for longer period of time instead of sleeping all day. You laugh and smile at us--and it melts our hearts. You love to shake your rattles and grab at your toys on your play mat. You're finally old enough that you can entertain yourself in your bouncer and Mamaroo for good lengths of time. You seem to enjoy story time with mommy in the mornings. My absolute favorite thing is when you talk to us. You "talk" so much now. You also follow Mommy with your eyes whenever I walk out of your direct sight.  It is the sweetest thing. I hope you're always a Momma's boy! You're not supposed to watch TV, but of course you love it. We can turn you away from the TV and you turn your little head to watch it anyway. I don't know what we're going to do with you!! You're really starting to try to roll over; you just can't quite get the hang of it yet just kidding--you just rolled over twice!! We can't wait to watch you grow in the next month!

Now for my favorite part of this blog...

This hair cracks me up!
This one's going in your wedding slideshow one day!
You love your daddy!
You're the happiest baby I know. We love you to the moon and back! 

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