Monday, September 15, 2014

Chapman Turns ONE!

I cannot believe we have made it to this point! This has been the fastest, funnest, most tiring, yet most rewarding year of my life. It is so hard for me to fathom that an entire year has come and gone. Our tiny 8 pound 1 ounce bouncing bundle of joy has turned into a toddler in a mere 365 short days. I love to look back at pictures from the day you born, sweet boy. On September 4, 2013 my heart grew bigger and found a love stronger than I ever knew was possible.
I love these pictures that your daddy and I took of each other about an hour after you were born.
This is one of my favorite pictures of you the morning after you were born. I loved watching you peacefully sleep in that hospital bassinet!
And BAM, just like that, here we are celebrating your first year of life! Daddy and I wanted your first birthday to be special. Even though you won't remember it, you will see these pictures and they will serve as your memories of your first birthday! The night before your birthday, Mommy set up your highchair so it would be ready for celebrating when you got up the next morning. We woke you up and sang Happy Birthday to you while you played with the balloons in your crib, then Mommy made you sprinkle pancakes for breakfast. Sadly, they weren't as big of a hit as I thought they would be. Oh well! After breakfast we attempted to take your one year old photos. You move so much that it was hard to get many good ones! You and I packed up the car and headed to Atlanta so we could get ready for your First Birthday party. We stopped in McRae and had lunch at Dairy Queen--you're a huge fan of their chicken fingers, so it was a perfect birthday lunch for you! When we got to Atlanta you had a special visitor, Fran! She had been counting down the days until she got to see you again. We got you a cupcake so you could practice smashing the cake, but you didn't really like the icing on your hands...I can't say I blame you!

These are some of my favorite pictures from your one year old shots we took...
This one makes me laugh every time I look at it!

Friday morning Daddy flew from SSI to Atlanta and joined us at your One Year checkup. You have grown so much. You now weigh 22 pounds {70th percentile} and are 30 1/2 inches long {75th percentile}. You've gained FOURTEEN pounds since birth, and you've grown almost 10 inches! Dr. Koenig said you are developing perfectly. You had to get 3 shots--yuck. You did NOT like them. We tried to get a picture of you and Dr. K since it was our last time seeing her, but you would not have it...after she put her cold stethoscope on you, you didn't like her too much! We are going to miss Dr. K and Piedmont Pediatrics, but I'm sure we will love your new pediatrician just as much.

Mirror selfie befire the doctor! 

Now, on to all of your accomplishments over the past month--

Sleep-- Same as the past few months. Bed time is 8:00pm. Naps have been a little different. You like to stay awake until about 10:00am and sleep for about an hour and a half to two hours. I don't like this nap time so much because it kind of ruins the morning. Luckily, if I need to take you out and about during the time you'd usually be napping you are a trooper and just go with the flow. However, you really still prefer a morning nap. Your afternoon nap is usually around 3:30 or 4:00. It seems like a weird time to me because you sleep until around 5:30, but you still get tired for bed by 8:00, so I guess it works for your little body!
Food-- You still love all of the same things; I haven't found anything new that you love {unfortunately}. Well, actually, I did discover that you love yogurt raisins now! You used to eat the yogurt off and spit the raisins out, but now you scream your head off if I don't keep giving them to you! We are trying to transition you from formula to whole milk. I LOVE milk so much that I was hoping you would too. However, you don't. Go figure! Right now we are giving you half formula mixed with half milk. You are gobbling that up, so next week I'll try less formula and more milk. You do not like your sippy cup that much, either. The doctor said that your bottle needs to go in the next month, but I have to get you to drink your milk before I can take your bottle away...small steps, people. The bottle will go away eventually, but until you will actually drink ANYTHING our of your cup, I don't think it's a huge deal for you to keep taking your bottle!
Your first meal in our new home!
For one day, and one day only, you actually held your own bottle.
Clothes-- You need to grow length-wise little boy! Summer is coming to a close and we have a closet full of 18 month Fall clothes for you to wear. Your 12 month clothes fit you so perfectly right now. Hopefully you will have a little growth spurt soon so you can start wearing your 18 month stuff!

Accomplishments and discoveries-- Last time I checked in, you were walking, but still mostly crawling. Boy, has that changed in a month. You don't crawl anymore. It's all walking these days. You get around so fast! You've had to start wearing your sandals when we go out because you love to get down and run around where ever we are. You do not like being held and confined! You started stacking your rings on your ring stacking toy. I don't know what age babies usually do this, but you just started doing it the other day and I'm so proud of you! You love to put things in and take them out of containers. Your favorite thing to do is throw clothes and towels around. Every time we are in the kitchen you take the dishtowels off of the oven and throw them around--it's endless entertainment to you. When I try to fold laundry with you around, I can just forget it! You grab the clothes out of the basket and toss them all around. If the clothes are folded and in your reach, you unfold them and throw them everywhere. You got so many fun, new toys for your birthday. You love to ride in your car, push around your corn popper, push your bubble blowing lawn mower, take the balls out of your poppity pop dinosaur, and shoot the basketball into your new sports center! Reading is still one of your favorite things to do. You constantly find your books and sit down and "read" them. Bath time is still a fun time of day for you too. We also started brushing your love it!
I almost forgot...we moved this month, too!
You loved playing in the empty cabinets while Mommy and Daddy were packing boxes!
Our "last supper" in Atlanta before we moved to Saint Simons Island.
Your last morning waking up in our Lookout Place house!
Last picture in front of your first home! 
Since we have moved, Frannie likes to have FaceTime dates with you :)
First family meal in our new home.
We are fortunate to have moved to a beach town! 

You went to your last Baby Gym at My Gym the week that we moved to SSI--I sure do miss taking you to play there every week!
Some of my favorite pictures from this month...!
You have a grand ol' time every time you get your hands on the newspaper!
You love your Aubie!
We watched the first Auburn game, and you had so much fun cheering our Tigers on! 
That's the cutest little behind I've ever seen :)
The humidity here has brought out your curls! 
Helping Mommy make your birthday banner.
You sure do love your daddy!
I love catching your sweet laugh on camera!
I just love your nap hair :)
I'm ONE year old!
Playing in the rain is so much fun!
You love driving the cart at the grocery store!
Perhaps now, we can find some fun things to do around the island to blog about since there are no more monthly "check-ins"! I hope this next year doesn't fly by as fast as the first year of your life did...but I'm sure it will! Daddy and I can't wait to see what the next year holds for your little self. We love you to the moon and back sweet boy! Stay tuned for a peek at Chapman's First Birthday party :)

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