Thursday, August 21, 2014

Eleven Months! What??

You turned 11 months old while we were at the beach. In a few short weeks we will celebrate your FIRST birthday. I say it every.single.month, but I don't know how you're already 11 months old. I know it was just yesterday that we welcomed you to this crazy world. We don't go to the doctor until your one year checkup, so we will go with my guesstimates {that usually tend to be off quite a bit!}. According to my home measurements you are 22 pounds 3 ounces and 29 3/4 inches long. I can't wait to see how much you've grown when we go to see Dr. Koenig in September.
Real 11 month photo...
Pretend 11 month photo to match all of the other monthly photos! 

I've done it thus far, so I might as well stick with my usual order of events. Why change things up this far into the game?

Sleep-- Bed time is still 8:00pm, unless we are out and about, in which case you are super flexible and stay awake until we get you home. Naps still happen twice a day at 9:00am and around 2:00pm. You wake up close to 7:00am. Not too shabby.
Food-- Im happy to report that you are a normal kid. You LOVE chicken fingers and grilled cheese. If I let you eat that for every meal you would never complain. When we are out to eat we always order one of the two for you. When we are at home I like to give you healthier options. Grilled chicken is a fave of yours, as are green beans. Turkey, ham, and cheese are also tasty to you. You still chow down on waffles or cheerios and yogurt for breakfast every morning. You get SO excited when you see the yogurt! You're still a sucker for sweets. What can I say? You're my child.

Clothes and Diapers-- You're still in size 3 diapers {size 4 at night}. Size 12 months is where it's at in the clothes department. Now that we are moving to a warmer climate we have started buying some 18 month jon jons that you can wear into the fall since it will not get very cold. I hope it gets cold enough for you to wear all of the precious 18m longalls you have in your closet!
You got your first pair of two piece jammies this month, too!

New and fun discoveries-- You mastered standing all by yourself, and now you can WALK, too! You took your first steps a few weeks ago when we were in Birmingham, but you really took off walking when we were at the beach last week. You still crawl mostly since it's a much faster mode of transportation for your little self, but I'm sure you'll be walking all over the place by your first birthday. You got two more teeth; your upper central incisors came in a day apart. Thankfully you still handle teething like a champ. The worst part of you teething is how much you drool. You are tall enough now that you can reach up and grab whatever you want off of the side tables. Nothing is safe in our house anymore! While we were in Birmingham you learned to crawl up the stairs. I am so glad we only have 2 stairs in our new house, because it's a lot of work following you up a big flight of stairs. You are a pro at clapping. Whenever you do something funny or if we say "Yea, Chapman, you're so smart!", you stop and clap for yourself. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen--seriously. You love giving high fives too--another one of the cutest things I've ever seen. You've started waving bye-bye a little bit. You know how to do it, but I can only get you to do randomly--and usually when it's just me and you; you won't do it for anyone else. You wave your little hands backwards and it melts my heart. I know you're mine, but you're the most precious gift from God. You amaze us daily at your new discoveries! I can't wait to see the plans The Lord has in your future, for I know they are GREAT ones.
I am a little sad at the thought of your turning one next month, but it is hard to be too sad because you're so darn fun right now! We love you to the moon and back, sweet boy.

I am so sad that you won't get to go to Music Class or Baby Gym since we moved to Saint Simons. I'll have to look around SSI to see if there is anything comparable since you loved going to these classes so much! 
A glance back at this past month...

Your new golf club is your favorite toy; you take this thing all around the house wherever you go!
Uncle Brooks came to see you after a Braves game. 
Now for a mini blog inside a blog--We took one last trip to Birmingham before the end of summer. We spent almost a week there visiting with all of our friends and family!
We had a quick breakfast with Daddy at The Whitehouse before we left town.
You loved playing Nanny's piano.
We spend the day with Nanny! 
Big boy sitting in a booster seat.
You took all of your naps on the go! 
We had lunch with Grayson and his mommy and daddy.
You met your cousin, Jaxon. 
A puff got stuck in your nose!
We saw Harrison and his mommy, too! Miss Lora also met us for lunch that day. 
Sink baths are the best. 
We couldn't go to Birmingham and not eat at Ragtime!
Selfie during your 10 1/2 month photo shoot.
Mommy's piggy house shoes from when I was a little girl fit you!
You had Chef Boyardee ravioli for the first liked it!
We went to Smith's Variety after your photo shoot!
We had lunch and a play date with Mae and her mommy before heading back to Atlanta!
Your daddy was so glad to see you after 6 days of being gone!

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